Sebastian Ljung, born 01-04-01 01:47 (1,7 kg, 43 cm) |
Natalia Ljung, born 04-05-28 10:20 (3,0 kg, 48 cm) |
Daniel Ljung, born 07-06-30 15:12 (3,2 kg, 49 cm) |
Weight and length: |
Zeb, Natalia & Dani |
10-02: Dani has started in Patín daycare, in the group Ranitas (small frogs) - a good fit for a Swede (with the famous small frog song you know ; )
10-04-10: Zeb's birthday party with a big treasure hunt! |
10-03-28: Nata's first ballet show at Málaga Tivoli