Here the Chimborazo volcano, a poor photo taken from the not too clean window on the way from Quito to Riobamba.
A map showing the actual route ==>

Ecuador 2003 page 1
Down the Andes (Quito - Guayaquil)


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This is the rail bus taking us from Riobamba down to Alausi and the “devils nose”, a number of switchbacks taking the railway over a tricky pass.

Here the pickup taking us the last km:s up to Ingapirca with its famous Inca ruins. Impressive precision of the stone work! As usual Zeb found new friends very fast. The top foto with the sunset is also from Ingapirca.

Cuenca with a view over a square, the Tombobamba river, the old cathedral from outside and the interior of the new one.

Guayaquil, the largest city of Ecuador, with its nice sea side promenade with plenty of playgrounds for kids.

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